Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Yeah, I know, I know, I have not been posting. Sort of just stopped and left for awhile. And now I'm thinking, well, I should share new stuff.
I feel like a pretty happy girl these days, still wearing my flip flops all the time. Still getting into trouble when I can. I will dive right in with another sweet little story in just a bit. First, I'm ready for a new year. I'll be talking about what's happened this last year and we'll just settle in and enjoy each other's company.
The last boyfriend, he's history. OK, here's the thing. He could not stop with his demands that I upload video of us doing our foot loving. He wanted to have himself in a video sucking on my toes or, get this, he wanted me to let him do a video of me sucking on my toes. That's just too personal. I love to write about stuff like that but I can't see myself doing it for everyone to see. So, this was a long struggle for him, and for me, because I was in love with him. And he did everything to push me away by pushing that on me.
It started out that he wanted to do a video just for us to look at and I finally said that I was cool with that even though I really wasn't. And it escalated from there. One day, I remember it was really sunny outside and pretty warm inside and I'd been padding about the apartment naked for awhile and I just got to sucking on my toes. I've written about this before. It was calms me down. And he shows up and says to hold that pose, keep doing what I'm doing, because he's going to do a video! I ignored him, which was stupid, and kept licking and sucking. I was actually having fun. And he started his video. It was crazy but it sort of turned me on but I did not want that jerk to upload it for the world to see. I finally stopped and asked him to stop too. He did. But I always wondered what happened next to that video he got because, as I remember, we started to fight and he promised he'd erased it and then we got distracted with something, friends were coming over, and I sort of lost track. Time passed and I guess I still trusted him and forgot about it.
Fastforward a few months and he tells me that he's done me a really great favor, that he's taken me to a new level in my crusade to help people understand and embrace their sexulity. He uploaded that video to Youtube!! That piece of garbage took something very private, sacred even, and betrayed me! That's part of why I haven't been writing. I looked for that video and found so many others. I had no idea. There are tons of toe sucking videos on Youtube and I don't think a lot of people are aware of them. I mean, I was but, at the same time, I wasn't. It's not like I was looking for them. Anyway, I found mine. And so I looked at it and, for a moment there, I was lost in the beauty of it. I have to say, that I sort of liked seeing it there and being able to have others see it. But, then I came back down to reality, and had to conclude that the guy was a major jackass for doing that. This was highjacking my privacy and, even if I liked seeing it on some level, it wasn't for him to decide. It would actually be a whole different experience if this had happend completely with my blessing. It might be pretty much the same video being uploaded and all but it would have a totally different intention and energy. So, maybe I liked it but, at the end of the day, I was mad as hell. And I broke up with the bastard.
That's my sweet little story for the moment. It's nice to be back. I'm curious about who is out there these days. And I'm curious about what you think of all the foot videos on Youtube. Do you look at them? Would you consider being in one of them?
I feel like a pretty happy girl these days, still wearing my flip flops all the time. Still getting into trouble when I can. I will dive right in with another sweet little story in just a bit. First, I'm ready for a new year. I'll be talking about what's happened this last year and we'll just settle in and enjoy each other's company.
The last boyfriend, he's history. OK, here's the thing. He could not stop with his demands that I upload video of us doing our foot loving. He wanted to have himself in a video sucking on my toes or, get this, he wanted me to let him do a video of me sucking on my toes. That's just too personal. I love to write about stuff like that but I can't see myself doing it for everyone to see. So, this was a long struggle for him, and for me, because I was in love with him. And he did everything to push me away by pushing that on me.
It started out that he wanted to do a video just for us to look at and I finally said that I was cool with that even though I really wasn't. And it escalated from there. One day, I remember it was really sunny outside and pretty warm inside and I'd been padding about the apartment naked for awhile and I just got to sucking on my toes. I've written about this before. It was calms me down. And he shows up and says to hold that pose, keep doing what I'm doing, because he's going to do a video! I ignored him, which was stupid, and kept licking and sucking. I was actually having fun. And he started his video. It was crazy but it sort of turned me on but I did not want that jerk to upload it for the world to see. I finally stopped and asked him to stop too. He did. But I always wondered what happened next to that video he got because, as I remember, we started to fight and he promised he'd erased it and then we got distracted with something, friends were coming over, and I sort of lost track. Time passed and I guess I still trusted him and forgot about it.
Fastforward a few months and he tells me that he's done me a really great favor, that he's taken me to a new level in my crusade to help people understand and embrace their sexulity. He uploaded that video to Youtube!! That piece of garbage took something very private, sacred even, and betrayed me! That's part of why I haven't been writing. I looked for that video and found so many others. I had no idea. There are tons of toe sucking videos on Youtube and I don't think a lot of people are aware of them. I mean, I was but, at the same time, I wasn't. It's not like I was looking for them. Anyway, I found mine. And so I looked at it and, for a moment there, I was lost in the beauty of it. I have to say, that I sort of liked seeing it there and being able to have others see it. But, then I came back down to reality, and had to conclude that the guy was a major jackass for doing that. This was highjacking my privacy and, even if I liked seeing it on some level, it wasn't for him to decide. It would actually be a whole different experience if this had happend completely with my blessing. It might be pretty much the same video being uploaded and all but it would have a totally different intention and energy. So, maybe I liked it but, at the end of the day, I was mad as hell. And I broke up with the bastard.
That's my sweet little story for the moment. It's nice to be back. I'm curious about who is out there these days. And I'm curious about what you think of all the foot videos on Youtube. Do you look at them? Would you consider being in one of them?
Labels: feet, foot fetish, foot fetishes, kinky sex, sex, YouTube
Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Here is a beautiful cover to Diary of a Mad Old Man by Junichiro Tanizaki. One of my readers highly recommends this as a very good book on a foot fetish theme. I've just ordered a copy. Thanks for your feedback!!!
Labels: books, foot fetish, Junichiro Tanizaki
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
As my online friend just said, why would a guy want to start talking when he had my beautiful toes in his hot mouth? Thad has always been good in bed. He certainly has the body and the confidence and the sense of humor. When he first brought up wanting to do a video like that, I shook my head. "No fucking way," was what I said next when he just stared at me. "But it's no big deal," he said. "Well, if it's no big deal, then we don't need to do it." He held firmly to both my feet and kept his eyes on my toes. He was at the foot of the bed on his knees and my feet were directly in front of him. At any moment, he could just sink his mouth down onto my toes. He could be lapping away at my soles. So, yeah man, no talking, especially no talking shit. Wasn't our lovemaking enough?!!!
Labels: feet, flip flops, foot fetish, pop culture, relationships, sex, video
Monday, February 09, 2009

It started out one night, like so many others, we were getting into it. He had his hands on the prize, my beautiful feet. He had one in each of his big hands. He lapped away at the soles, one after the other. He had such a rhythm going it was so awesome, I thought I was going to cum right then and there, just from his licking. Lick, lick, lick, like a great big puppy dog onto my hungry feet so in need of his nourishment. And then, just then, the guy has to break the mood. "You know, babe, we should do a video."
Labels: feet, foot fetish, pop culture, relationships, sex, video
Friday, January 23, 2009

Change We Can Believe In
I sometimes wonder if my blog has taken a wrong turn. It seems to be more a place for guys to gratify their desires than a place to thoughtfully discuss issues. And then I look back on comments and, yeah, there's a little of everything. I wish there were more female observations. I think this is an issue that is more talked about only when the mood is just right for most of us girls. For me, I suppose it's sort of the same. I haven't blogged in a very long time. I needed to cool off and look back on things. I did have a problem with my boyfriend and I've been hesitant to really get into it. I think he just got out of control for me. Maybe that's the best way to put it for now. He wanted to video all the things we do in the bed. The sort of things I feel comfortable maybe writing about here but not stuff I'm ever going to video. And that was the problem. I want to discuss what happened. Maybe I'm overreating. I thought about that. But, no, I know myself and my limits. I think I know what the desires and limits are of most women too. That's what gets me back to wanting to write. I'd like to explain my side of what happened between my boyfriend and me. For now, I'm just feeling good about Obama. Aren't you?
Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Hey Everybody,
I just feel so so good right now and I wanted to share. The weather is totally awesome and you know I'm loving it, totally into my flip flops and with a beautiful fresh coat of polish. Today it's been pink flips and ruby polish. Lucky for me, I was out and about while the sun was bright and shiny. It started to rain on us here in Seattle by the middle of the day. I was back home catching up on some work that's been piling up. Anyway, I haven't done it quite like this in awhile but I decided to indulge and I stuck my foot in my mouth! First the big toe, started suckin on it. Had some music on and, well, I guess I did have some wine too. But I made a promise to myself to indulge, be a little wild, and then get back to work! I did it. I met my deadline and all is well. So, yeah, I had my Merlot, sucked my big toe like a little baby and then right along and licked and sucked the rest of my toes, one foot and then the next, and by the end I was holding my right foot in my hands and had all five toes in my mouth! I'm crazy, I know. And somehow, it feels so right to let all of you know...makes it even better, ya know? Can you see that? Yeah, it's just a cool thing to me. A great way to release stress. In fact, I have to say, I do it more often than I might realize. I know, here and there, just to give me a lift, I might suck my big toe as I'm doing yoga. Now, that's something I'd like to hear from all of you out there--doesn't it soothe you-care to admit? Well, I'm admitting it again as I am prone to do. And I'm admitting I did a lot of it today. Anyways, that's all I have to say for now. Take care and Peace to ALL of you!
Labels: flip flops, foot fetish, foot health, hedonism, sex, stress, Yoga
Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Oh, Eliot, What Have You Wrought?
This from
On a day of heavy ironies for one of America's most prominent and promising politicians, there was this: the prostitution ring that New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer allegedly patronized was called the Emperors Club VIP. It was the governor's own imperial mien, after all, that will make this fall from grace particularly bruising.
And here's a good link to the whole sordid
tale of falling from grace.
Well, what can I say. This is the sort of news story that knocks my flip flops off!!
This has everything people! And, after thinking it over, I think Eliot needs to chill out and plan his next move. Hopefully that won't include jail time for this character but it might. All things considered, I think one thing Spitzer needs to do is decide now if he can go ahead and crossover to the other side where all the fun he so desires appears to be. This guy's life story has already crossed over to the entertainment news whether he's ready or not. But, if he is honest with himself, maybe he needs to find himself on some talk show or some other razzle dazzle pursuit. This has worked for former Cincinnati mayor Jerry Springer although he got his name into the tabloids after he'd left politics and got into show business, right? Well, more than likely, Spitzer is not as daring and will gradually fade away and do all he can to rebuild his reputation in the same vein as another sex scandal fool, Gary Hart, which will mean writing bogus academic books in the coming years. Hey, his wife seems to support him. She encouraged him to fight on as governor! So, maybe that's the state of shock talking or maybe Mrs. Spitzer is simply putting things into perspective. The man will want to do something. I just don't think it's necessary for him to continue a charade of being one thing when he'd love to be another. He would be doing everyone a favor by getting a divorce.
I mean, if Eliot really would rather be in the Playboy mansion than the governor's mansion, he really should go ahead and make it happen and he could at the snap of a finger. The tragedy for this guy is that he's too afraid to do it.
In Eliot's mind, he could hold the masses up to one standard as the crime busting "Mr. Clean" while he could indulge in the very thing that he, "Mr. Clean," was suppose to be fighting against. Was he disillusioned in his work? Are the trappings of power all a sham to him? Who is the really Eliot? Well, it would be pretty hard for him to distance himself from all the tradition bound circles he travels in although the man has managed to live a double life. As do any number of other powerful men. It's interesting that he has not been caught in a true affair but instead found to be "Client 9." Wow, from "Mr. Clean" to "Client 9." Which is closer to the real Eliot? Which is closer to the real America with its collectively uptight views on sex?
What is totally wrong, beyond the fact he's found paying for it and all, is that he appears to have wanted to push things further and have sweet little Ashley engage in some unsafe sex acts. How far did this guy want to sink? So, here he is putting his loyal wife at risk! That to me, is the last and final straw. Maybe there's more to the story here but I don't think so. Sure, Ashley must have been the highest end call girl you can get but that doesn't guarantee she couldn't possibly have an STD. Or how about the risk of getting this aspiring singer pregnant?
Well, it's all over now and Ashley seems more than ready to collect her fifteen minutes of fame and then some. Who knows, maybe once the smoke has cleared, that's what Eliot should do and provide us with whatever type of entertainment sideshow he'd like to partake in. It certainly worked out for Dick Morris. Remember that infamous toe-sucker? I've done some research and this man really fell from grace but the public-at-large seemed to take only so much notice or didn't want to know too many details about his paying to suck the toes of a high end call girl. Was it Ashley? No, she would have still been in grade school. For those of you who don't know, Dick Morris was Bill Clinton's top adviser and coined the term, "triangulate," in other words, finding ways to work both sides of the political spectrum to the middle or something like that. Anyhow, Dick Morris, the supposed political wizard, got caught in his own sex scandal drama but today enjoys a regular presence on the talk show circuit. I've seen him. No one ever mentions toe-sucking to him. So, why not Eliot? Give him some time. He might still come around. Not most likely to happen but this guy is full of surprises.
Labels: Ashley Alexandra Dupre, Dick Morris, Eliot Spitzer, news, politics, pop culture, sex scandal, toe sucking