Thursday, April 05, 2007


The Very Fractured O'Reilly Factor

I wanted to pick up on my "Little Old Ladies in Tennis Shoes" train of thought. Think of all the current political thugs: Dubya, Cheney, Rove, Rice, etc. They all pander to the sheltered view of the world of conservative little old ladies and they themselves, not holding anything dear, actually believe right along with the little old ladies. This sort of "thinking" is what powers the whole right wing machine. To try to keep current, "the little old ladies" are called "soccer moms" in stump speeches but, if you really think about it, it's the same old little old lady all wrapped up in the American flag . Grafting religion with patriotism, this is packaged as the official line of thought and it is served up to be a one-size-fits-all drivel for immediate consumption by everyone from the Nascar fan to the power elite in the club rooms. I was thinking about all this as I took in the mug of Bill O'Reilly the other night.

Now, make no mistake, Bill O'Reilly is a third-rate hack who, lucky for him, has found a niche to exploit. He's menacing. He's amusing. And, unfortunately, he does have a lot of fans. And why not? Junk food for the mind--hard to pass up for a lot of folks.

Currently, Bill is on something of a warpath against all the provocative statements that Rosie O'Donnell has made. Sure, Rosie has managed to cross the line and she's an easy target. What's so stupid, is that Big Bad Bill himself has made far worse comments like when he said it would be OK if terrorists bombed San Francisco. Is that because San Francisco's gay population runs so counter to Bill's "religous beliefs" as if he had any sincere thoughts?

On that same show I watched, only because I was waiting for American Idol, Bill also made a distinction between Rosie O'Donnell and Ann Coulter. For some reason, he found that Rosie had to be held to harsher scrutiny. That, of course, made no sense. And it runs counter to his cheesy motto about never spinning the truth, right?

Bill, if you defend Ann Coulter, you are SPINNING!

Bill, you complete jackass, you spin all the time! You were tossed out with the trash from ABC News years ago and you should thank your lucky stars you get to keep riding this right wing wave.

OK, that's all I have to say about that for now.

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Bill is such a joke. Spot on observations, Flip Flop Girl. Glad to see you back!
Thank you! I suppose Bill is an easy target but it's fun to make fun of him. The "emperor," so to speak, has no clothes! I hope more and more people come to see that. Or will lose interest. He has a lot of hardcore fans. We won't be seeing a sea change quite yet but we will.
nice work
Thank you, Whiskey Puzzler. I like your blog too!
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