Thursday, December 21, 2006

Flip Flop Girl Goes For Beauty

I love the Glamour website where I found this and was immediately inspired. The editors for the beauty blog were proudly proclaiming their collective foot fetish! And what a great little contraption they found at Brookstone, some wild mechanical masseuse. Anyway, I love Glamour and I'd love to write for them someday!

Hi. Just added you to my links, for friends that need a flip flop fix. If you have time, have a look at my november archive.

These pictures are my wifes flip flops and sports sandals.
Yes, your wife has very pretty feet.
Thanks so much for adding me to your links. I'll have to add that section to my site and I'll add you too.
Don't you guys just love this photo? I think it's pretty awesome.
Toetally, they're like my old gf's feet, even the tan.
Thanks for that comment too, Joox. Yeah, I think it's a very sexy photo. Actually something you should see sold as a mass market print, I would think.
Just what I was thinking lol.
Ha! Can't seem to find a credit for it.
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