Friday, November 03, 2006


George Bush is no friend of America or The Troops

Hello, this is The Flip Flop Girl, friend of libertines and liberals alike. Hmm, there are a few things I should say about the horribly misused term, "liberal." It wasn't a bad thing until the so-called "conservatives" decided to turn into such a negative label. But it's not. I feel like being political again on my blog. There is so much to say. I believe that when the dust finally settles, history will not be kind to Geroge W. Bush. Many people can see it now. I believe that even today's hard-core conservatives will see it too. Dubya is no friend of anyone, except for himself. The Bush Administration wants to make money and wants to shove its policies down the Amercian, and the World's throat. At gun point.

Where to begin? Well, briefly, that whole nonsense about how Kerry was suppose to be demonstrating is disdain for the troops because of that stupid joke he couldn't tell right. I admit, it was a very stupid joke with the punch line that Dubya is stupid. But it turned out he left the part out about Dubya and it sounded like he was insulting the troops fighting in Iraq. I have no problem with people in the military. Some people go into the military because of strong patriotic feelings. A lot of people go into the military because it's a way to pay for college. Nothing wrong with that. But it's a crying shame so many lives have been lost because of a bunch of houlier-than-thou, money-grubbing, "conversatives" decided they were going to invade Iraq no matter what.

I love my country. I know what it stands for. And it's a dark time right now. Not just because of terrorists. Because of the way the Bushies took advantage of 9/11 in order to invade Iraq. Because of the Bushies paranoia whereby our freedoms are being taken away from us left and right. Do you guys know about the latest law? The Military Commissions Act of 2006. It has pretty much nullified habeas corpus (this is where a judge determines if you should be in prison or not), and allows for an "anything-goes" method of interrogation of terror suspects and legitimatizes military trials of terror suspects. What if you suddenly became a "terror suspect"? This is scary stuff. I am no friend of a terrorist. But I want my rights. Don't you?

So, it's all twisted. Bush is very low in the polls. You can fool some of the people some of the time but you can't fool all of the people all of the time. I'm not saying Democrats, by their very nature, are the total answer. No. I'm for balance. If the Democrats do end up winning a majority in the House and Senate, this is a step in the right direction. For one thing, the Bush administration will have to ease up on its abuses of power. And, maybe, the Bushies will even be held accountable. Whatever happens, it is at least a step in the right direction. Does anyone really believe any of the Bush propaganda at this point? Well, unfortunately we'll always have some who do but more and more people are starting to wise up.

I can't stand Bush. It was such a mistake to re-elect him. Because of him, America is looked at w/ such disgust nowadays... don't know of any foreign country that respects us like times gone bye. It's sad really.
Well, by the Democrats being the majority party in the House, Bush has a bit less power. He'll be out soon enough!
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