Tuesday, October 17, 2006


Political Flip Flops

Okay, I want to tackle another aspect of flip flops in our culture. They have taken off dramatically as a political term. Flip flops have referred to politicians switching around on issues for a very long time but that term is gaining more and more popularity. Maybe it has to do with the rise of the flip flop itself and our hunger for instant symbols to express more complex issues. As this photo makes clear, Republicans really did a number on John Kerry in 2004 by relentlessly labeling him as a "Flip flopper." Just a flip flop was enough to conjure up a negative image of Kerry. It didn't matter that their boy, Dubya, was just as bad about flip flopping on any number of issues. George W. just has seemed tough and simple so the theory has been that good ole plain folk will just go along, ignore the news, and just follow orders. But that has changed.

The more I've dug into the subject of flip flops, the more I've come across political references to it. I've come across a great many right wing blogs claiming we should "stay the course" and honoring creeps like Dick Armey as noble statesmen. I'll bet all these right wingers would just love to decree Richard Nixon a saint-and Nixon wasn't even right wing. I don't think he respected them much to begin with. Ronald Reagan? Ah, the poor guy didn't know any better!

I can't stand it. How about you? The fact is, more and more Americans have woken up to the fact that things are not going "right," as in correct, with Bush in the White House. Or maybe less and less Americans are in denial about it.

Case in point:

A CNN Poll just out asked Americans:
What is your stand on the War in Iraq?

So, that has to wake up alot of people, doesn't it? We've got a mid-term election coming up and I know what I'm going to do.
I'm going to march down in my flip flops and vote DEMOCRAT!

spread the message and take a stand!

but... in saying this, i hope that there are some good democratic candidates out there!!

i personally can't stand bush and really wish he'd fall on his face, literally. it's a shame the war is still continuing and doesn't seem to be letting up or changing in any regard, and now you have n. korea on top of this and iran as well.... makes you wonder if things will ever quiet down.
Well, Bush, personally, I believe, is just doing as he's being told. It's the whole "ring wing" organization within the Republican party that needs to be pushed back. There are great American politicians and then there are all the run-of-the-mill followers. I think we need some compelling Democrats to lead the way. Barak Ombama is, without a doubt, one of these great Democratic leaders.

It is simply a shame what all the "Bushies" have done to undermine the credibility of the US. Well, the US can't be undone by one administration!
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