Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Yeah, I know, I know, I have not been posting. Sort of just stopped and left for awhile. And now I'm thinking, well, I should share new stuff.

I feel like a pretty happy girl these days, still wearing my flip flops all the time. Still getting into trouble when I can. I will dive right in with another sweet little story in just a bit. First, I'm ready for a new year. I'll be talking about what's happened this last year and we'll just settle in and enjoy each other's company.

The last boyfriend, he's history. OK, here's the thing. He could not stop with his demands that I upload video of us doing our foot loving. He wanted to have himself in a video sucking on my toes or, get this, he wanted me to let him do a video of me sucking on my toes. That's just too personal. I love to write about stuff like that but I can't see myself doing it for everyone to see. So, this was a long struggle for him, and for me, because I was in love with him. And he did everything to push me away by pushing that on me.

It started out that he wanted to do a video just for us to look at and I finally said that I was cool with that even though I really wasn't. And it escalated from there. One day, I remember it was really sunny outside and pretty warm inside and I'd been padding about the apartment naked for awhile and I just got to sucking on my toes. I've written about this before. It was calms me down. And he shows up and says to hold that pose, keep doing what I'm doing, because he's going to do a video! I ignored him, which was stupid, and kept licking and sucking. I was actually having fun. And he started his video. It was crazy but it sort of turned me on but I did not want that jerk to upload it for the world to see. I finally stopped and asked him to stop too. He did. But I always wondered what happened next to that video he got because, as I remember, we started to fight and he promised he'd erased it and then we got distracted with something, friends were coming over, and I sort of lost track. Time passed and I guess I still trusted him and forgot about it.

Fastforward a few months and he tells me that he's done me a really great favor, that he's taken me to a new level in my crusade to help people understand and embrace their sexulity. He uploaded that video to Youtube!! That piece of garbage took something very private, sacred even, and betrayed me! That's part of why I haven't been writing. I looked for that video and found so many others. I had no idea. There are tons of toe sucking videos on Youtube and I don't think a lot of people are aware of them. I mean, I was but, at the same time, I wasn't. It's not like I was looking for them. Anyway, I found mine. And so I looked at it and, for a moment there, I was lost in the beauty of it. I have to say, that I sort of liked seeing it there and being able to have others see it. But, then I came back down to reality, and had to conclude that the guy was a major jackass for doing that. This was highjacking my privacy and, even if I liked seeing it on some level, it wasn't for him to decide. It would actually be a whole different experience if this had happend completely with my blessing. It might be pretty much the same video being uploaded and all but it would have a totally different intention and energy. So, maybe I liked it but, at the end of the day, I was mad as hell. And I broke up with the bastard.

That's my sweet little story for the moment. It's nice to be back. I'm curious about who is out there these days. And I'm curious about what you think of all the foot videos on Youtube. Do you look at them? Would you consider being in one of them?

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